*Need Bloggers* To write review on Rosebuds Aroma #Giveaway

Interested in writing reviews? Are you UK based? Are you a breastfeeding mum blogger? Are you interested in home decor/fragrances? If so…. I’m looking for 5-6 bloggers to write reviews on my product line. (Male and female) I will be sending you a free luxury product to try and test and in return i’d really…

My heart lays with you

I have this overwhelming love for my children, this feeling of warmth and joy. Amzah said, “Mummy I love you and I will never ever let you go” Usually I’m fighting for affection but ever since we got back from Thailand it’s like I’ve reconnected with them without even noticing that there was a prior…

Today’s Note

“Be so Good they can’t Ignore you! -Steve Martin -L x

I Think I Want Another Baby 👶

Ok let’s emphasise on the word “Think” So timing wouldn’t actually be right and well I don’t have a husband *cough cough, I don’t have a boyfriend, friend with benefits…I could go on… Anyway, maybe it’s this desire I have to do things properly that is igniting this want for another baby. I want to…

Letting Go for Father’s Day

Do you know the kinda mum I was? I was that mum that posted angry posts on Facebook every Father’s Day wishing “myself” a happy Father’s Day. For some reason this meant everything to me, to declare the fact I was both mum and dad. The breadwinner, provider and parents…..Looking back on it now I…

Motherhood Looks Like This!

If you’ve read my post I’m Exhausted and it’s making me ill you’ll be aware of my current health issues where I’ve been suffering with high blood pressure. As as per request of the GP I had to do a 24 hour blood pressure test to gain a better picture of what’s happening. Well it…

Soul Mates and Soul Ties

Soul mates and soul ties Spiritual husband and spiritual wives Different faces every time but she still recognised his soul behind those eyes. Each touch magnifies a memory. Deja vu, yes She feels you He doesn’t pray the same This life took its toll And yet they still cross paths because they weren’t meant to…

I Make No Apologies For The Mum That I Am!

So recently I’ve been feeling pretty darn attacked, this past week in particular I’ve been misunderstood and judged seeming to have become victim to others unnecessary input into my parenting. I mean on a good day this tends to happen naturally and I’m pretty use to it but recently I’ve honestly had zero tolerance. I…

I pretend that being a single mum is easy….It’s really Not!

Anyone who follows my Snapchat or Instagram sees this woman. ⬇️ This amazing, career driven mother, with clearly enough money to support these kids. A lovely home and a secure job and runs her own Consultancy Company. My kids appear soo funny and perfect, cute smiles and perfect little outfits with a snapchat filter to…